Cognitive Approaches to Culture
Topics: Book Series

Books published in this series use advances in the cognitive sciences to enrich understanding of cultural phenomena such as literature, film, drama, music, dance, visual art, digital media, and comics, among others.
For the purpose of the series, “cognitive science” is construed broadly to encompass work derived from cognitive and social psychology, neuroscience, cognitive and generative linguistics, affective science, and related areas in anthropology, philosophy, computer science, and elsewhere. Though open to all forms of cognitive analysis, the series is particularly interested in works that explore the social and political consequences of cognitive cultural study.
Books published and forthcoming include: Patrick Colm Hogan’s Understanding Indian Movies: Culture, Cognition and Cinematic Imagination; Irving Massey’s The Neural Imagination: Aesthetic and Neuroscientific Approaches to the Arts; Peter Swirski’s Literature Analytically Speaking: Explorations in the Theory of Interpretation, Analytic Aesthetics, and Evolution; Patrick Hamilton’s Of Space and Mind: Cognitive Mappings of Contemporary Chicano/a Fiction; Isabel Jaén and Julien Jacques Simon’s Cognitive Literary Studies Current Themes and New Directions; Mark Bracher Literature and Social Justice: Protest Novels, Cognitive Politics, and Schema Criticism; Sue J. Kim On Anger: Race, Cognition, Narrative; Alexa Weik Von Mossner Cosmopolitan Minds: Literature, Emotion, and the Transnational Imagination; Richard Gordon’s Cinema, Slavery, and Brazilian Nationalism; Marco Caracciolo’s and Russell T. Hurlburt’s A Passion for Specificity: Confronting Inner Experience in Literature and Science.
Cognitive Approaches to Culture Series. The Ohio State University Press.
Co-edited with Patrick Colm Hogan, Lalita Pandit, and Sue Kim.