Global Media & Race Book Series. Rutgers University Press. This series considers how race — and intersectional identities generally — is constructed in front of the camera and behind.
Latinx & Latin American Profiles. University of Pittsburgh Press. The focus of this series is on contemporary Latinx and Latin American literary, visual, and performing artists.
Latinographix. The Ohio State University Press. This series showcases graphic and comic books—graphic novels, memoir, nonfiction, and more—by Latinx writers and artists.
World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction. University of Texas Press. Books focus on the analysis and interpretation of comic books and graphic nonfiction from around the world.
Global Media & Race Book Series. Rutgers University Press. This series considers how race — and intersectional identities generally — is constructed in front of the camera and behind.
Global Latin/o Studies. The Ohio State University Press. Books focus on the Latino experience in its totality as set within a global dimension.
Latinx Pop Culture Series. University of Arizona Press. Books shed light on all aspects of Latinx cultural production and consumption as well as the Latinx presence globally in popular cultural phenomena in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
Biographix. University Press of Mississippi. Through a biographical lens, books in this series will be short and accessibly priced and bring reader-friendly scholarly insight to comics creators and their works, summarizing, explaining, contextualizing, assessing, and providing critical insight to key figures in comics.